Why should you consider Cloud technology for your restaurant in 2023
Knowledge-driven economics can open many opportunities that enable you to increase service speed and reduce your equipment costs.
When we refer to “the cloud,” we are talking about servers accessed over the Internet in data centers worldwide. By using cloud computing, restaurants do not have to manage physical servers or run software applications on their own machines. As a result, the cloud changes how your entire business operates and benefits everyone.
Reason #1 — Reducing your costs
Costs are reduced because a server and the associated maintenance, upgrades, and virus protection are no longer the owner’s responsibility, allowing you to open new locations faster and with less upfront investment.
Many food and beverage operators plan their activities around IT upgrades that can take weeks or months to complete, costing time, money, and effort. With cloud technology, upgrades are delivered regularly and consistently, allowing you to take full advantage of the new functions.
For example, with Simphony Cloud, the central server is located remotely in a data center; only the client component is in the hotel or restaurant. These are touch screen POS Terminals on which orders are entered, plus the peripherals that provide the remainder of the required functionality (fiscal loggers, receipt and kitchen printers, etc.). The architecture of the Simphony Cloud system is built entirely on the principle of working in the cloud.
Reason #2 — Digitization factor
Keeping customers happy by applying the latest technology is essential for any hospitality company, especially for restaurants struggling to maintain a competitive edge. Guests and employees expect a seamless and integrated transaction, often requiring investment in the latest technological innovations.
Dining is now entering a new era of digitization with every phase changing: reservation, pre-arrival, menu selection, payment, and exit are all affected, and cloud-based POS technology is the central enabler.
Reason #3 — Easy to integrate with third-party systems
Integration allows your applications to access real-time information from the POS system. In addition, it automates tracking and record-keeping, greatly simplifying the organization of your business and making the process much more convenient for restaurant employees and guests.
Simphony Cloud gives the restaurant owner much more opportunity to use third-party systems and integrate with third-party devices. These can be mobile devices, tablets, electronic menus, and even kiosks, allowing the system to meet any proprietor or guest requirement.
Reason #4 — Improving your data security
Data and other security breaches can negatively affect your relationship with your guests, staff, brand, and reputation. The right cloud partner will provide you with far better security than you could ever achieve by yourself; you will get the benefit of their extensive investment in systems, hardware, data centers, procedures, and the expertise to give your operation the best possible protection against attacks, keeping your brand and reputation safe.
Reason #5 — Controlling your restaurants globally
Consistency is the not-so-secret ingredient behind any restaurant’s success. Maintaining consistency of service, menus, pricing, and promotions for a food and beverage chain is an ongoing challenge. Cloud technology allows you to control every point-of-sale (POS) terminal, workstation, kitchen system, and connected mobile device in every location from a central office. If you need to add a new menu item to every POS globally within 24 hours, you can do it. If you want to change menus or promotions in a single location, you can do that too.
Cloud technology gives you much greater control over what is happening in your locations worldwide — a single global system with multi-language and currency support, allowing you to maintain consistency without limiting your ability to adapt to local needs.
Every business has its own specific requirements. Whether you are a national company, an international chain, or just a small independent F&B owner, we can help you enhance customer satisfaction, improve operations, reduce unnecessary costs, and boost revenue streams.
Julien Petitdemange
HRS France Sales manager