What are the opportunities for spas and sanatoriums using full system automation?
Many health centers in the EECA region, especially the old-style spas and sanatoriums, still schedule their appointments on paper or in Excel; consequently, there is a need for these establishments to invest in automation.
Modern systems allow spas and health centres to be fully automated, with a single control point and centralized reporting. After working with the managers of hotels and health resorts, we understand their requirements, so we have algorithms in TNG that allow for the calculation of employee bonuses depending on the type of activity and other pre-set parameters.
TNG also has a convenient unified deposit system, which allows the guest to top it up at check-in and pay for all services that go through a POS station or PMS (OPERA, Suite8). TNG integrates with all these systems, allowing updates to be made as soon as they are released.
Without a centralized system, an owner cannot have a clear picture of their property’s status, which allows scheduling conflicts to occur. For instance, information that an employee is on sick leave but not shared through calls or chats can easily get overlooked, even though it could be recorded in a central system.
Centralization helps when the spa manager or department head decides that certain services can no longer be offered for a designated period due to a shortage of materials, staff, or maintenance. Without a unified system such as TNG, the quality of information can deteriorate considerably due to the constant transfer of data, and sometimes, it fails to reach the final recipient.
A unified system for managing a spa or sanatorium helps to make reporting as efficient as possible and significantly reduces the risk of human error by eliminating the need for staff to enter all data manually. TNG also provides all reporting options at the touch of a button, so employees no longer waste time gathering multiple spreadsheets to generate the necessary reports. Thanks to the resulting unified schedule, employees and management can see all the information on finances, transactions, bookings, invoices, and guests.
It is very convenient to print out a guest’s schedule and provide it to them or connect to an application that any visitor can check on bills or book services through an app on their mobile. Guest information can also be integrated directly into a personal account on the hotel website. Your guest logs into their usual account and sees all their transactional data, reports, and bookings from TNG.
The TNG system allows the delegation and distribution of authority among employees. It is possible to work with basic access levels and perform ordinary operations (reservations, guest account information, closing receipts) without the possibility of changing the name or composition of the service because no individual employee has these administrative rights. This is a massive advantage in a centralized system.
The way it works
The interface is very user-friendly. Due to the different access levels and the system’s flexibility, personal accounts can be changed to suit the user.
The most convenient installation option is a web application. Users can choose any browser and, via a shortcut or added TNG address bar, a login window opens asking for Login and Password details. No unique settings are required, and the system runs similarly on tablets.
Spa employees can use a dedicated app, which includes an individual employee’s schedule, the option of switching their reservation to completed status and being informed of any changes online.
If you need daily or weekly reports from TNG this can delivered automatically to your inbox, saving you time and ensuring you have all of the latest data.
Author Maxim Bulygin
Product Manager TNG